Oh yes, we've got a new blog - www.hoperp.blogspot.com - check RP out! to me:
kidnap me. please
Here's the evidence of Nel attempting Eye liner for the first time:

(copyrights reserved - no copy paste, ctrl+C allowed, anyone who violates the NEL law will have to eat Quail eggs(Niao tan) for one month. to me:
kidnap me. please
kidnap me. please
Pray that God will use me greatly to impart the Word to Him! Amen!
Grandma's birthday... nothing much just eat eat eat... to me:
kidnap me. please
kidnap me. please
While on the way home with Nel and Jovin, I saw something really funny- an uncle playing his Tamagochi. We were like O_o'''
haha.. here are the evidence:
(look how excited he is. haha!!!)

kidnap me. please
"timo emo our new superhero."
Thanks Jannah!
in history class right now... kinda boring -_-zzz...
(my superhero picture -below)

kidnap me. please
nothing much actually. ~ boring!
just another bad day. let's sing a sad song and help me turn one round.
listening to my MP3 along my way home, inspired to do a MTV for my team.
MTV = music, visuals. post production. storyboarding, ideas, time and people.
Should I?
` tell me Quando Quando Quando... to me:
kidnap me. please
the service started off pretty well with the game segment(which i thought it was good) and it kept us High... Then it went on with the Praise and Worship(as usual..) which was of an average standard- music and ministering.
Then was the 'MTV'(so called the special segment of the service today)... It was hmmm..... hmmm... bad.
I was telling God, 'dear father in Heaven, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing..' hahaha... (p.s. i'm kidding!). It wasn't to expectation I would say, the song was okay but the recording was wierd(was very raw), the singing could hardly make it. one word - messy.
then was the sermon, PS Jeff. Well, as expected... he was as interesting as usual. His random jokes got us laughing like crazy. *mei yun was laughing like a auntie!!!
It was good but could be better I tot... Let's do something and reset the standard of ESS!!!
Celebrated Shu Hui's birthday, created a mess and the cleaner was like 'xiao didi... dun mess up the place!' she even attempted to chase us out! But later found out from another staff that she's just a sub-contracted worker. -.-''
Was thinking about the group as i was travelling home. Man, i cannot leave it as it is now. I gonna do something, a change or culture, a change of hearts towards God!
Envisioning my team to hit 16!!!! Really excited about His work and feel really privilldged to be chosen to serve as a spiritual leader of RP. Thank you Jesus! =)
chatted with a friend on msn who asked me about my life and interesting things about myself. Here's how the conversation went...
eyezac says:
so tell me something interesting bout yrself?!
lesso. marching towards freedom in one voice.oneheart. - 16 says: (me)
hmm.. i have very different perspectives of life
lesso. marching towards freedom in one voice.oneheart. - 16 says:
i think living a successful life is not abt education, money or even myself.
lesso. marching towards freedom in one voice.oneheart. - 16 says:
its being able to influence and impact. influence those who are near and impact those that are afar. I think being successful is living my life to the fullest- knowing my purpose in life. investing
in eternity and not temporary. I know i dont own anything(not even my shirt or my house), i need to be thankful and ought to feel blessed for what that is being placed in my life.
lesso. marching towards freedom in one voice.oneheart. - 16 says:
In life. For God. For Others. For Self. In summary to love God before others, others before self.
eyezac says: Oh wow! that's impressive!
I hope that this light in me will shine for Him and his kingdom. Thank you for choosing me.
to me:kidnap me. please
Went to help Shu Hui holy Spirit Baptist but I guess she needed somemore time before any thing else happens in her life.
--- God help those who knows they need God ---
Went with nel to the dance practice after the meeting in school. Learnt some dance steps, tell you, I can't dance. so next time, don't ask me to be ur dance partner. I was like so clumsy with the simple moves. arrghh.. but it helped in losing my weight though..
Who cares when you know what to do to lose weight? to me:
kidnap me. please
haha.. maybe becos i dun appreciate food that is served in LARGE Quantity. It gives me a 'anyhow cooked' feeling.
oh well... let's not be picky about what God provides.
didnt attend school, didnt feel like attending. had to do games but was lazy. so i decided to accompany my brother to the hospital for checkup instead.
Accomplish some tasks which I desired though;
- i trimmed my hair... i feel cleaner, neater and smarter now... more Handsome was the word i was about to use next.
- i went to make my new pair of spectacles. and guess wad? It's transitional lenses! It turns navy blue under the sunlight. And I've got an orange frame to go with it!
So excited for this new change of image.
indeed hair and the glasses can change the way a person look and gives the person that 'outward personality'.
I love creed. I love Dishwalla. I love Abba. I love Jesus. to me:
kidnap me. please
2 reasons that is.
- No one reads them
- I'm too busy to update
In fact sometimes I visit my own blog to see who actually tagged.
Thanks Dao! hahaha...
but it's just not a lifestyle to me. maybe when i improve my english and i start to have that passion for writing?
If you are reading this, u can try convincing me to blog more often. hahaha.... and that's an 'If'! to me:
kidnap me. please
I did read up of cos! Learnt a lot during this period of time working with some cool dudes like Jaron, Lennon, Martin, Dawn etc. Faced certain issues along the way but decided to look up to God and trust in His ways. And true enough, He blessed us greatly throughout with great learning experiences. One area is the area of stress management. I felt I could manage my work/stress better than last time. Thank God for Nel, this wonderful spiritual mentor that God sent to help me in many areas. Really appreciate all her advices and evaluations. Helped me a lot throughout problems; being objective and focused.
I pray that God will bless my leaders man, really felt a sense a 'pity' when no visitors turned up for the ESS today! God, pour in the fruits and you lead me to disciple the wineskin! =) Thank you Jesus. to me:
kidnap me. please
It's really hard to do well and get good grades here; it's not about how much effort that u have put in but it's how well u are in making the facilitator pleased.
Yesterday's ULc was great! - discipleship. It really gave me ideas/direction on how I could lead my leaders better. e.g. the importance of building strong and close relationship with each other. It's important because it helps u to train the person better(easier to correct, share burdens etc.)
I'll continue later... =x to me:
kidnap me. please
"A good eye for pictures - either you have it or you don't."
I think some are born with it but it is possible to nurture/train a person. It lays a lot in the person's character and passion.
e.g. if the person is determined and really work very hard for it, nothing would actually stop this person from excelling in his passion(taking a great shot in this case).
Personally, I have great passion for drama, in areas like script writing, acting, directing and story boarding.
Despite the passion, I had problems with my language and had no background in drama(no training neither do I have any experience). But I was determined and seize every opportunity to be involved in drama productions/projects in church or in school.
It took me extra effort to read up books, research and seek advice from the 'pros'.
This human incapability of mine didn't restricted my faith and trust in excelling in drama.
However I do agree that people who are more sensitive about life and emotions would TEND to have better eye for pictures. I must say, experience and knowledge plays an important role in the overall quality.
Handling a new toy was fun today(we used the S.L.R camera). After loads of theories on angles and focuses, finally we got a chance to toy with it. It's a lot of fun figuring it out and trying the focuses. I don't know if I have a good eye for picture, am unsure what it takes to have it anyway. It's a lot about perspectives. to me:
kidnap me. please
kidnap me. please
ehh... feeling dizzy, going to sleep liao.. to me:
kidnap me. please
my heart beats.
Is this wad it's going to be?
God. to me:
kidnap me. please
I was 'WOW-ed' by the praise and worship that we had! 3 worship leaders! And that guy sang very well! He's like the Best singer in my church lor!
Even the support singers were good! Better than I expected it would be, and what that made it even better is that we had 3 converts!
Praise God for that! (*applause)
Anyway, getting excited for school on monday, so long since I returned to school, lots of things I haven got ready! My laptop especially!
I dunno lehz, but I am kinda worried for my laptop, seems like it's not doing well again!
I hate bulky laptops and God, I am owning ONE now... -.- It's Big Fat Dirty Ugly and blah blah blah...
And some pastoral updates, Zheng Xi is growing! She's from China though, but as a new believer, I am quite amazed at the passion that she has!
I see that she really desires to hear the word, despite the language, she really take the effort to understand and learn! That's the spirit manx! I wanna challenge my guys, really be passionate for God! The spirit to learn, the spirit to love and the spirit of submissiveness!
And ya, it's easter! It's not just about Jesus' death and ressurection, but it's about U! Cos it happened for U! to me:
kidnap me. please
- Pastorally, I see a breakthrough in my ministry and I am praying for more to come!
I have this vision for my guys, 3 CG by end August. (SVC attendance- 20)
Yesh! That is my conviction and a milestone for my team to grow to a greater height!
I need people who are passionate about leadership, about God, about people.
More year ones to rise up and take the challenge!
I will be aiming high for the May ESS after the birthing out of CG. Amen, I will be seeing more new exciting things happening in my team soon!
- Physically, I need to lose weight liao!
Waah! I was so sad to see my tummy lorx! So discouraging sia.
But I am convicted to REMOVE it asap! Should be can la, more Sauna, more swimming, more exercise.
- Experientially, I will be incharge of the coming May ESS drama, so excited about the production!
Oh manx, gonna be another learning experience! Script Writing, Directing, Filming. God, please anoint me with more wisdom!
Recently arr, I encounter a few things
- Nasty customers!
Last Sunday
I was working as usual at the Marina Square there, I was feeling rather tired and was quite shag.
There is this auntie; looking very pleasant and sweet, doing some shopping in my store. She was carrying some bags and had a packet of my shop product. In view of her pathetic messy condition; struggling with her bags and stuffs and I obviously see her irritated with her sleeves that was rolling down, I went over (with a smile, I greeted) - Hi mdm, Can I help u with that packet of food?
Guess wad?
She turned her eyes and stare fiercely into mine saying, - WHY? You do not trust me with this is it? YOU think I will steal your things is it? And with that, she put back the packet and walked out furiously (chanting this on her way out- No way I will buy anything from here!)
OKAY NOW, I did nothing WRONG!
This service of helping customers is always a tradition of my store. I made sure I was smiling and nice when I approach her. What a way to respond to my help. -YUCKS! She disgusted me.
My boss and the customers in store was like -.-
Can u imagine? There are such ppl on earth.
- The producers
OMG, it is an excellent show lor!
It is like a musical drama on the big screen! Yesh yesh, dance, singing, acting and laughing...
I was pretty amazed by the fabulous performance and excellent script that it has. I was like, O.O.
Exactly, this show is just so impossible.
The way it is presented touched me, not physically, but mentally and emotionally. This movie is 5 stars, award deserving indeed.
Movie Scenes from movie

this is funny... ha ha...
He refuses to have sex with her until they are married. and ya... she's hot!

he's(the guy on the most left) crazy over Nazi. He wrote that play, 'the spring time for Hitler'- expressing His love for Hitler. It was chosen to be a sure flop muscial. But it turned out...

tell me, isn't this cool?
School in 5 days time, someone tell me it’s not =x haha! I would miss the holidays, oh manx, no more free and easy... =(
BORING! to me:
kidnap me. please
Anyway, life has been great recently! Really challenged by God to do His work. One area in my life that I am learning is - leadership - Something that not everyone is equipped with but is essential to lead His flock, so I decided to help myself by reading, asking leaders for advice. I also learn that I really need to seek God to lead my team, spirit led CG!
Aye yo... then other areas of my life is like so so lorz... Nothing much actually, it's still so busy + my absent-mindedness make me so *confused. Something I will forget which should be put first and which is important. Well, here is what I need to ask God for. Wisdom and strength. He would give without finding fault as He promised. =)
Wahh.. recently I have been dying to go clubbing, but still underage. Sad sia... Can't wait for my birthday this year, I legally go to club lo!!! Wahahaha... so excited lehx!
Thinking when it's my birthday, I will invite all my friends and buddies to club manx!!! Now I am thinking, where and who le... haha... I am so excited sia!!!!
But its gonna be in Oct. 'Sian Yi Ban' liao...
But never mind, soon... SOON!!!! Haha... to me:
kidnap me. please

Some Excellent preachers!!!
Darlene is my favourite.
One type of music that i enjoy most is this--> Hillsong Worship Team.
Awww... you must be thinking how boring and sleepy the songs can get. Wait till you find out that they totally rock!
Hillsong sent me a newsletter recently on their release of album. Oh manx... Can't wait to get it!And this time it comes with a DVD. Am anticipating it but at the mean time, let's enjoy some previews from them.

(Their latest album; United We Stand) to me:
kidnap me. please

-Guess wad? I am the producer =p
to me:kidnap me. please
Comments from facilitators:
Pamela Lim(Enterprise; former managing director of Ebiz Solutions Pte Ltd)
Very good class member. Your communication is clear and you convey thoughts clearly. Also good presentation style. You have some commercial sense, which is lacking in most people at your age. You learn fast and from your own experience and from other people's experience. Whatever you choose to do, I do think you will be very successful as you look like someone who has a lot of passion, and you are also not afraid to ask questions.I look forward to hearing your success in future. And when that day comes, remember me!
Padma Rao(Cultural and Communication)
I am quite taken up by your enthusiasm in class. Keep up the good work and I am sure that your enthusiasm could prove to be addictive and pave way to a great learning climate.
Angeline Lim(Cognitive Thinking and Problem Solving)
You are able to point out misconceptions during discussions and provide alternative solutions. You were also able to use relevant examples to illustrate your points. Your ethusiasium had certainly helped to enlighten the class on many misconceptions. These are the strengths which you should keep and they will bring you far.
Edmund Lim(Computing and Mathematics)
I think you did really well, you have a sunny disposition and that helped a lot. :) You never fail to encourage the team and constantly challenge them. Don't let your past limit your future. Also I believe how fast you learn is proportionate to how often you learn :) the more you work at it the better you get.
Arul(Basic Sciences)
Your enthusiaism , interest and eagerness is clear and it helps you through the task. You always go on to do that bit extra, and it shows.
I went for a job interview at ODEX Pte Ltd today and guess wad happened? to be continued... to me:
kidnap me. please

Gallery profiling:
me- took it a few weeks ago
to me:
kidnap me. please
kidnap me. please
Here's my resume:
I was involved in drama productions, performing roles that include directing, acting and script writing. On top of that, I filmed several promotional clips (e.g. Generation Next Camp, which was a combined polytechnic camp) as well as participating in the organization of large-scale game events such as 'Campus Cluedo' in Temesak Polytechnic.
I participated in school events such as 'Who Am I', and was one of the producers for the 'Graduation Clip 2006'.
I volunteered to be involved in activities such as 'PromaxDba' at the 'PromaxDba Asia Awards Ceremony 2005' and SRT (Singapore Repertory Theatre) during my term breaks, allowing me to gain more experience and exposure in the media and arts industry.
Presently, I am familiarizing myself with softwares such as Adobe Premium Pro and Final Cut Pro, of which I have already, did some film editing with.
Sounds good arr? ha ha
Some company called me up, some Emailed me...
Show u guys some of email and posts that was offered.
From ACA,
Animation demo artist
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Reporting to Business Unit Manager, you will be in charge primary of per-post sales of autodesk multimedia & entertainment software2. To plan and execute pre /post sales programs.3. Responsible for promoting awareness of Autodesk's multimedia & entertainment products to end users.
And ODEX pte. ltd. (i was offered to be a video editor)
Hi Alvin,
It was a pleasure to speak to you over the phone earlier this afternoon.
Please forward me your updated resume and let me know if you could meet me on Thu, 10.00 a.m for a discussion to explore the possibility of a vacation job during the March – April 2006 holidays.
Best regards,
Joyce Yong
10 Anson Road
#25-05 International PlazaSingapore 079903
ha ha... and quite a few others! (like SRT etc.)
I feel so proud of myself sia.. okokies.. humble humble... Praise God for that though. =) to me:
kidnap me. please
the truth is this..
the truth is this..
the truth is..
the truth is..
the truth is.. the truth..
the truth is that he is feeling lonely, he needs somebody close to him to be by his side.
the truth is that he is struggling deep within.
the truth is that he isn't as 'holy' as you thought he might be.
the truth yet may not be the right things and what is percieved that is right may not be the truth.
living in a world of confusion; life is really at stake. how many lives was surrendered?
how many were destroyed? how many were forsaken?
ohh.. please save him from these. help someone today, be close to somebody. to me:
kidnap me. please
Valentine's day... probably just another day for the singles. Florist needs $ so pls get attached.
-Valentine's Entry One

There's this 2 gals.. they keep on pestering me to buy them roses and gifts for this 'special' day. I didn't know it's of so much significance to a gal. ( they are not my Gfs) I felt so irritated and i so decided to just buy them a small gift to 'shut them up!'. And they DID. Thank God for that.
But anyway... There's this gift I recieved today (see the picture) to me:
kidnap me. please

kidnap me. please
Damn bored sia. Then i have a 'wonderful' team with 'wonderful' team mates... Always so 'insightful' and 'contributing useful' ideas. So 'hardworking' and 'involved' in making the presentation a 'good' one.
Thanks to my team, I have to edit and do the presentation myself.
Life have been rather tiring, not very fruitful! AND SHIT! I HAVE GAINED WEIGHT! I AM ALREADY FAT ENOUGH LE! GOSH!
I'll be exercising more!!! ... And my goal is - 5kg!
There's this bitch in my class... this pretty lady is 20 of years. She's MARRIED and HAS A CHILD. To her... it's nothing... She bitches around, she gives that 'angelic' smile. She debates unreasonably(just for the sake to dig out some errors in our presentation). She think she's very wise, very capable. she comments, she criticise. How wise can she be when she's a mother at the age of 20? Probably pregnant before her marriage. Come'on gal, u are just a pre-matured mother under severe depression. All my classmates agrees to that. Well... I am just stating the truth... to me:
kidnap me. please
I really like this picture of mine(the one below). Some say it's like a candid shot, some say it's ugly(becoz of the forhead), some say i look mature, some say 'nice'... But it doesn't matter. I dun care NOW aniwae. I cared too much i guess...

i took this picture at the Food festival last year. *yum yum... lol... makes me hungry now.
It was indeed a candid shot. Dav took it without any attention of mine. But well, i liked it!
this self-confidence didnt come easy. say i am vain. do i look as if i care about wad u say? -.-
Going to send my leader off to Aussie, collecting flowers(incl roses and lilies) at Cuppage. I dunno how she's gonna respond to it. She will have to accept it anyway. It's the FIRST time i gave flowers to an opposite sex, So please DO feel honoured =) lol... to me:
kidnap me. please

--- this is the first love letter that i recieve. A lot of emotions. A lot of love. But it didn't continue. Times have changed. I have changed too.
The person whom I loved, never appeared after we parted. The story didnt ended here...
And please Shut up... this is my life. Don't ask too much. to me:
kidnap me. please
a lot of new things are going to happen and i am unsure if i am anticipating for it...
-Pearline's leaving on the 6th Feb. (Today)
-RP is moving into a new campus. (Woodlands)
-I'm growing to be 18 this year.
-Year2. Not year 1 anymore...
Yes. I am back to blog again. Suprised? nothing much... It's just me; Timothy Alvin.
Who's he to you?
- a friend?
- a leader?
- a buddy?
- a sheep?
- an enemy?
- a rival?
Who am i to you?
honestly... my life really suck. Lot's of imperfections. Sometimes i just hate the way i am being created. But this is me. I'll just live it. I hate to speak to some of my ppl... Not becos i dun want to... But i fear of doing so...
-That's how i felt-
Especially to someone longer in church then me, someone who seems to know more than me. He would react, "Hey Timothy, you need to understand... BLAH BLAH BLAH..." I felt discouraged for many times. The attitude that was given, the language that he used. It hurts me as a leader, a brother, a friend. I was trying my best. I hope i did.
I dun know exactly what to do why to do. I think i'll just have to continue.
Maybe. One day... Who knows? to me:
kidnap me. please
I just came back from the camp, it was cool... It is a place of transformation. I believe tha God will use His selected people for His Kingdom...
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is --- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans12:2
Personal Evaluation – Poly DI Camp Building God’s House
Reaching Out
- I am always very excited about sharing the word very quickly to the non believers.
- I always want to share the full understanding and some facts to non- believers
- Eg. Why A.D and B.C
- The bible- how it came by?
- What is in the bible?
- Would want the ppl to understand some important things b4 receive Christ.
- I do judge if the person will receive even b4 I try asking …
- I always want to make the convesation btwn me and the person as lively, as personal, as interesting as possible…( I believe that it would help the calling of the contact easier and invitation easier…
- Share my personal testimonies or even testimonies that I’ve heard.
- Have a great burden and love for RP campus…
- Feels discouraged when seeing X-tians not living or walking with Jesus…
- Desire to plant a seed in all the heart of the ppl…
To improve on:
- Aggressiveness…
- Speech
- Attitude
- Faith
- Common speech style…
Post Camp Evaluation
Have a burden for the people, not only those from RP but all… This camp helped me a lot in searching for my vision. Got to work with a lot of leaders and other brothers and sisters. Got to learn from their style of leading ppl and resolving problems. I oso pray that I will have a constant desire to do more things for God despite feelings, emotions…
Learning to plan my life, get things organized and done with. Learn to praise God and give thanks in all circumstances…
RP’s growth depends on us to sow a seed in each of their hearts, God will grow the seeds.
-so excited- Amen? to me:
kidnap me. please
So, as usual, we did researches and read up some information and then sort out the videos, eliminate the useless documents, Compare and contrast, Do a powerpoint ,prepare the presentation... Within ONE hour... Stress indeed!
But thank God today i had co-operative team mates that were willing to listen to me... and to do their tasks...
Hahaz, yesterday i gave pearleen a rose... she immediately ran off... hiding... but she that she was touched. hahas... Well, that was my first outward expression of love to my shepherd...
Really look forward to bring more people from Rp to know Christ. 5? God deserve more than that... I want to lead as many people as possible... To help to advance the kingdom of God and to strengthen their walk with God...
Pray for me that i will be able to relate to people of all races, all character, all belief well... I really desire to grow too... In my walk, I want to desire more of Him and His word...
So much, so much love... to be showered on me.... to me:
kidnap me. please
Now am very disturbed by Sharon and Pearl... SHARON IS GOOD! she wants me write something nice abt her... hahas... juz joking... hahas... praying that God will work in my life... I have lots and lots of desires and prayer... I urge for more... Haas... will tell my shepherd abt more... to me:
kidnap me. please
After much considerations... I have decided to go RP... I have a strong urge to make that choice, reason being 1.It's my Interest (New Media)...
2.I would take up a new challenge; to pioneer RP.
3.I have a deep desire to lead people to Christ from RP...
4.Though I may miss all those fellowship, I'll still be able to serve effectively wherever I go... I have my Spiritual Buddies- Apinun, Abel
5.I want to grow much more and gain new experience...
6.To make an impact in people's life... and lot's more!
but most importantly, I want to lead a Godly-Spirit led life and flourish in my walk with God...
That, through chrit I can do it!
- With Great Faith and Excitment... to me:
kidnap me. please